01707 336969

Find them at WelTech Business Centre

The Engineering Development Trust Logo

The Engineering Development Trust


WelTech Business Centre, Ridgeway, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL7 2AA

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Company Overview:

EDT’s vision is a society where young people across the UK have equal access to engage with STE(A)M (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects and achieve their potential in STEM.

EDT is a national charity and the largest UK provider of STEM outreach, delivering 40,000+ experiences to young people annually. Drawing on over 35 years of experience of connecting employers with young people and educators, EDT provides inspiring opportunities for young people to explore the exciting world of STEM, and the variety of rewarding future careers available.

EDT developed Industrial Cadets with support from industry to provide a benchmark accreditation, mapping activities against a skills and competency framework. Inspired by its Patron, HRH The Prince of Wales, Industrial Cadets is the “Kitemark” award for young people engaging with the world of work, providing much needed insights and real-life experiences.

Through experience days, projects, placements and Industrial Cadets accredited programmes, EDT creates pathways through education to employment to:

• inspire young minds
• unlock potential
• promote achievement
• encourage attainment
• bridge the gap between industry and education

EDT is committed to offering a learner pathway that encourages young people to have multiple, high quality interactions with businesses, through building successful partnerships with employers and educators across the UK.

This year, EDT and Industrial Cadets celebrated the milestone of reaching 100,000 Industrial Cadets, welcoming and launching our collective ambition to reach 250,000 Industrial Cadets on the way to 1 million.