

WelTech Business Centre, Ridgeway, Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, AL7 2AA

Email Address:

Phone Number:

01707 326 531


Company Overview:

Welcome to Gate2Pharma a new style NHS pharmacy initiative based in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire.

We dispense and provide pharmacy services for both NHS and private patients both locally and nationally.

The NHS has been considering new ways of delivery pharmacy services to the public. Gate2pharma is one of these initiatives, a new style pharmacy, which aims to provide services directly to patients at their home, place of work or other convenient locations.

We recognise that because of changes in society and advances in technology, pharmacy services will continue to adapt and change. However the pharmacy service is delivered, the legal principles and regulatory standards aimed at guaranteeing safe outcomes for patients and people who use our pharmacy services must still be met.